Nikolai Ivanovich Byakov is a unique plastic surgeon, a true professional in his field. He is known both in our country and abroad. In his work, he employs an individual approach to every patient, taking into account not only the anatomical features of each, but also realizing the dreams about the result into reality. He does not use “template” methods, therefore, has many author’s features praised at the world level.
The priority task of the work is to preserve the patient’s health and improve the quality of their life.
An important difference from many specialists in the plastic surgery field is that Dr. Nikolai Byakov works in a family clinic, established in 1992, and has had an impeccable reputation throughout the entire time and thousands of satisfied patients around the world. The plastic surgeon does not “tour”, he works only in the “Olvia” clinic in Rostov-on-Don, which gives our patients the guarantee of comprehensive support both before the operation, during the entire rehabilitation period and after.
Overall surgical experience
Experience in plastic surgery
Breast augmentation surgery
Scientiifc conferences
The “Olvia” clinic is the first plastic surgery clinic in the south of Russia, which received a license for medical activities. During these 28 years, we have confirmed the quality of our work and guarantee an excellent result.
— More than 40 years of successful work and impeccable reputation
— Huge experience with large-scale operations and complex cases
— Author of unique methods of plastic and aesthetic operations in the field of face and body.